The Pnyx
Full podcast: Is the Era of Fairer AI Finally Here?

Full podcast: Is the Era of Fairer AI Finally Here?

We just published our most recent Forbes and longform summary of our episode, but wanted to share the full episode.

Here are a few of my favorite quotes:

The disparities that we encounter in decisioning systems, whether they're in lending or in other domains, are not the result of people of bad faith building those models. They're largely due to limitations in data and mathematics

Is my decision fair? If not, why not? Could it be fair? What's the economic impact to our business of being fair?

If you've been locked out of the financial system or preyed upon the financial system, as for example, Black Americans have been, then, you know, the data that's available about you is very likely to be messy, missing, or wrong.

I think at every step of the customer journey, we are seeing the potential for AI to deliver better experiences, better experiences, more cheaply

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The Pnyx
The fintech future is a choice we make.
Join Vikas Raj and Alex Lazarow as they navigate the defining technology and finance questions of the 21st Century. From bank collapses in Silicon Valley to crises on Wall Street, people have good reason to question whether or not unending technological change is really a positive force on society. The Pnyx tackles this question head on. From ESG and crypto to remote work and A.I., we assemble leading voices in the technology, venture, and fintech spaces and debate one fundamental question: is this innovation “good” for the world?